01 Aug Construction of angles and corner for perfect waterproofing
The most sensitive areas of any substrate and with the greatest risk of remaining exposed are usually angles and corners.
In order to ensure the continuity of waterproofing in these areas, half canes will be executed in all joints between walls and floors.
Likewise, this same operation must be performed in all places where different planes converge.
Preliminary analysis
In both new construction and rehabilitation, joints between different planes constitute points which are especially sensitive to the appearance of fissures and cracks, with the ensuing loss of watertightness and waterproofness.
For this reason, these areas require special treatment if we are to prevent future losses of waterproofness.
Therefore, the work executed must be aimed, on the one hand, at preventing the accumulation of liquid and, on the other, at increasing resistance to possible stresses produced by any type of separation between said walls.
Technical considerations
We will perform the following procedure in all of these points:
- We will execute a 2×1 cm groove forming straight edges.
- Remove dust and clean.
- Install a deformable tight joint and seal with G#color Elastic-MS.
- Let dry.
- Execute a half cane using products of the GECOL Reparatec range with a bend radius of approximately 10 cm.
- Let harden for 24 hours, verifying the stability of the construction system.
Recommended products
Concrete repaires
Flexible mastic
Warnings: The data provided by this Constructive Solution were prepared based on standard onsite installation processes. However, we recommend that you consult our Technical Department in the event of any specific circumstance info@gecol.com