06 Aug Renewal of facades
Over time, the coatings deteriorate, losing their properties and initial characteristics, and consequently, not performing correctly the functions that are required of them.
At this point, an intervention in the façade is necessary, previously preparing the support and then coating with a new product.
Preliminary analysis
The first step that must be carried out when we need to renovate a facade, is to ask ourselves what kind of requirements we will request from it, and depending on this (thermal insulation, acoustic insulation, protection against humidity, etc.), choose the solution constructive.
Another important factor is to consider is the nature and state of the support on which it will be carried out.
Likewise, all those circumstances must also be assessed, even if they are adjacent, such as municipal regulations, the creation and collection of debris, the possibility of using scaffolding, the reduction of useful space, etc.
Technical considerations
Once the new coating has been chosen, we will proceed to eliminate and clean up the old one, so we must prepare the support in an appropriate way, for which we will proceed as follows:
- The joints between ceramic tiles are emptied, to a depth of 2 to 5 cm.
- The stones and degraded bricks are replaced.
- The support is cleaned with a metal brush, subsequently removing the remains of dust and loose parts by means of pressurized water.
- The joints are filled with specific mortars according to the type of support GECOL Sec or GECOL Revoco.
- Where the support is not very resistant, the mortar is armed with a fiberglass mesh and racket-like nails.
- If the support is made of low porosity stone, the joints are filled with the mortars kneaded with GECOL Látex (2 litres x 25 kilos bag of coating mortar).
Once the support has been cleaned and consolidated, the coating is applied.
- Before applying the final layers, we must let the grout forge for a few days, so that they produce the appropriate retractions.
- Once the support has been subjected to this treatment, it is not necessary to obviate any of the precautions that would be taken in the realization of a new construction façade.
Therefore, we must respect the expansion joints, as well as perform a correct treatment of singular points (corners and fences of doors and windows, union of different materials, etc.)
- If the final finish chosen is made with a plastic paint such as GECOL Cril or GECOL Revestril, the mortar used as the base must be completely dry.
Recommended products
Mineral coatings
Plastic coatings
Warnings: The data provided by this Constructive Solution were prepared based on standard onsite installation processes. However, we recommend that you consult our Technical Department in the event of any specific circumstance info@gecol.com